Steve Jeffs
Dr Steve Jeffs is a multi-award winning executive coach and business psychologist. In the world of coaching, he is a Master Coach, Coach trainer and Supervisor. Steve holds a passion for bringing teamwork to leadership and in demolishing the rules that reinforce mediocre performance. Steve brings this passion to his extreme SCUBA diving where he has dived deeper than 120m and further than 1.2 Km into an underwater cave.
As a psychologist, his research explores strength-based solutions to measure and apply interdependent leadership within organisations, most recently culminating in his graduation with a Doctor of Business Administration in July 2019. The focus of this research was in bringing Teamwork into Leadership as he explored a real-world example of shared leadership. This project allowed him to describe the dynamics of shared leadership, its impact and to effectively develop this capacity in new contexts.
Steve has been part of the Senior Leadership team with People Acuity for 9 years and has a hand in all areas of the business. He is a Thought Leader, creating and guiding content, and is driving the global expansion of People Acuity which currently has nearly 500 coaches and guides in more than 40 countries. With such vast technical knowledge and experience, Steve is sought after as a speaker.
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