Lisle Baker 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology 2019

Lisle Baker

Professor Lisle Baker is a member of the faculty of Suffolk University Law School in Boston and a Visiting Scholar at the Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville. He earned his law degree from Harvard Law School in 1968 and a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania in 2016. He has taught or written about such subjects as character and fitness for leadership, positive professional identity formation, integrating positive psychology into legal education, learning how to pay attention, delivering bad news well, educating lawyers for compassion and courage, how to become more physically active in a busy professional life, and using insights about perception and judgment as an aid to mediation, among others. He is also a member of the Legal Education Subcommittee appointed by the Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-being of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, and is completing his 20th two-year term as an elected member of the Newton, Massachusetts, City Council. His email address is; More information can be found at

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