Meg Warren 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology 2019

Meg Warren

Meg A. Warren, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Management at Western Washington University, USA. She is the Founding President of the Work & Organizations Division of IPPA, Co-Founder of the Western Positive Psychology Association, and Co-Editor of the International Journal of Wellbeing. Her research interests include positive psychological approaches to equity, diversity and inclusion in institutions, and cultural factors affecting well-being. Her current award-winning research uses a positive psychology approach to study how individuals from relatively privileged groups can serve as allies to marginalized outgroups. She is the lead editor of two books, Scientific Advances in Positive Psychology (2017), and Toward a Positive Psychology of Relationships: New Directions in Theory and Research (2017) and has published her work in various peer-reviewed journals, books, and reports. To access publications and resources on her work, please visit

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