The symposium will open with Professor Brianna Caza providing a brief overview of the concept of “positive leadership” and introduce the three frames (authenticity, relationships, and moral decision making) that will used to explore the development and impact of positive leadership in the session. Then, three expert panelists will provide “research briefs” to provide a deeper perspective on each of the three positive leadership lenses (authenticity, relationships, and moral decision-making). Professor Patricia Hewlin will discuss the consequences of value alignment and misalignment, and the ways that leaders can help organizational members to be their authentic selves. Professor Mara Olekalns will draw from her expertise on gender and negotiations to talk about what leaders and organizational members can do to build resilient relationships across differences. Professor Abhijeet Vadera will provide an ethical leadership lens to discuss what leaders can do to inspire and enable organizational members to constructively make values-based decisions. The remainder of the symposium session will be a moderated panel discussion that aims to integrate knowledge from across these three perspectives and provide actionable recommendations for ways that leaders can enable thriving and resilience in their organizations. Throughout the discussion, we will pay special attentions to dynamics related to power, gender, age, and race in our discussion of positive leadership practices. Audience members will be encouraged to participate in the interactive panel session.