Art-of-living summarizes all the strategies and attitudes which will enhance well-being. It is an integrated and holistic concept. The concept of art-of-living is elaborated on and various validation and also intervention studies are presented.
Also, objective measures were used for validation like the LIWC for counting positive emotion words, and heart-rate variability. The validation studies using subjective measures are performed with samples of N=1105, N= 643.
In the training studies (N=164, students from schools, mostly grade 9) there were 3 training groups with different kinds of art-living contents and a control group, measures are the art-of-living questionnaire and the SWLS. The results show increases in art-of-living. In the second training study (N=44) we apply a web-based training in an experimental group (control no training) in art-of-living.
Art-of-living is a promising construct. Art-of-living could be validated using subjective and objective measures. Interventions show that it can be enhanced and as consequence well-being could be enhanced.
Schmitz, B. (2016) Art-of-living: A concept to enhance happiness. N.Y.: Springer.