Poster Presentation 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology 2019

A Theoretical Model of Practical Wisdom (#715)

Dianne Prof Vella-Brodrick 1 , Vicki Dr McKenzie 1 , Henry Mr Meghaizel 1
  1. Centre for Positive Psychology, University of Melbourne, Carlton, Vic, Australia

There are varied approaches to understanding wisdom and defining the criteria of the wise person, but there is no unified approach to its understanding. Furthermore, there is a lack of research on nurturing and practicing wisdom. This presentation, first, explores four models of wisdom. It is evident from these models that each asserts that the outcome of wisdom is well-being. Second, the question about what wisdom entails is explored. Moreover, can wisdom be nurtured through education and training? By attending to these questions this presentation introduces a model of wisdom that integrates these varying approaches to wisdom under the two categories of knowledge and virtues. The aim of this proposed model is 1) to provide a unified perspective of wisdom, 2) shift the focus from definition to practice and its outcome, where the wise application of knowledge and virtues makes the outcome of actions also wise: an outcome that promotes well-being for all, 3) to introduce well-being as a component of wisdom, and 4) to promote empirical research into practically nurturing wisdom. The presentation concludes with a proposal for an empirical research study which can inform the nurturing and practice of wisdom.