In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the Meaning-of-Work (MOW) Theory for High Performance that places “meaningful work” at the center of individual and organizational growth. Participants will also have an opportunity to reflect on their leadership challenges and apply the MOW Theory principles to their challenges.
When we find our work meaningful, we willingly commit ourselves to excel beyond the call of our duty. Naturally, the concept of “meaningful work” has progressively found its way to mainstream management literature and practices in the past decade - largely due to the globalization of workforce, the nature of knowledge work, better understanding on intrinsic motivational forces, and better psychometrics. Empirical research in the workplace clearly shows a strong link between a sense of meaningful work and high performance. Yet how we make meaning is still elusive at best to many of us.
Luckily, various frameworks on meaningful work in synchronicity with the human nature offer us profound openings to re-think and re-organize our work as global society steadily shifts toward social and conscious capitalism for sustainable growth. Through the lens of the MOW Theory, the workshop will show how we can accelerate and support this shift.