Positive Psychology has brought in the last years, a new way of seeing human being, valuing their qualities, strenghts, talents, and engaging people to create strong meanings in their lives, cultivating positive emotions, good relationships, optimism and hope, instead of helplessness and pessimistic thoughts. It also encourages individuals to be more autonomous and responsible for their destiny, instead of being victims of bad circunstances, like a hard childhood, poverty, conflict situations and other hardships of life. This being said, one of the next steps, according to Martin Seligman, is to apply the principles of Positive Psychology in very challenging areas like religion and politics. After a large literature research, that culminated in the publishing of my second book in Brazil, the "Positive Psychology Manual", where I could comprehend more deeply the concepts and applications of PERMA model, which, allied to the fact of being a muslim woman, constantly in touch with islamic beliefs and behaviours, allowed me to make a paralell between both subjects, building a review that shows how elements of positive psychology can potentialize a community and create more positive lenses in the way of understanding, interpreting and practising a religion, without interfering or changing it´s beliefs.