Poster Presentation 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology 2019

Passion Health And Well-Being In Popular Education And Scoutism (#532)

Julien Bruno 1 , Charles Martin-Krumm 1 , Cyril Tarquinio 1
  1. Université de Lorraine, Université de Lorraine, EA 4360 EPSAM-APEMAC, 57000 Metz, France, Metz, LORRAINE, France

Context : The concept of passion had been developped by Vallerand (2003). this concept has two
dimensions : harmonious and obsessive passion : the harmonious one tend to be good for health
and well-being and the obsessive one tend to have negative impact on health and well-being and
increase the risk of burnout (Houlfort & Vallerand, 2006). Popular education and scoutism try to
train active citizen by the maxim “education with all, for all, by all”.

Aim : Popular education and scoutism are fields of commitment, a possible ground to develop
passion. Our hypothesis is that scoutism with its particular method, based on responsibility and
commitment, allow more development of harmonious passion, and thus a better perceive health
and well-being for its volunteers.

Method : Several scale were assessed : HADS, brief-cope, SPANE, EFIB, self- compassion scale,
toxic handler scale and socio-demographic data. We worked with volunteers from the six
organizations of French Scout Organization and six popular education organization.

Results : Data collection will be over in March 2019