In her dissertation about the impact of well-being on outcomes in business, Johanna Lienerth combines extensive research from two scientific disciplines: Positive Psychology and Economics. As she only found studies investigating relationships between well-being and business performance partially or just from one perspective, her research aims to develop a more holistic model covering direct and indirect antecedents, moderators, mediators and supporting theories that explain the complex relationships between well-being of an individual and outcomes for work. She systematically investigated more than 10.000 articles and studies in the areas of Positive Psychology and contiguous disciplines as Neuro Sciences and Healthcare as well as in business-related sciences such as Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Financial Performance, Organizational Culture, or Human Resources Management. Following a self-developed coding system, her first result is a catalog of 178 categories (October 2018) summarizing the 2.013 variables found during the research process. Moreover, she developed a “Happiness Value Chain at Work” (HVC) in which all variables found were related to each other based on existing theoretical and scientific evidence. Within the roundtable, the results will be shown and provided for fruitful discussions and questions.