This presentation focuses on the connection between women’s well-being and thriving and their impact in their organizations and their communities. If women are not thriving, they cannot have positive, transformational impact. However, little research has been dedicated to rigorously analyze how women can have impact using evaluative inquiry. This presentation offers a framework for understanding and analyzing capacity development at the individual, socio-cultural and systems levels for a deeper and more holistic view of how to enable women’s empowerment. This framework enables leaders a means to support the development of women’s competencies to have the impacts desired, shift organizational cultures to be supportive of women’s thriving, and create the systems needed to facilitate women’s impacts in their organizations and their local communities and globally. Krause provides a description of the Action Learning and Evaluation Framework (AlEval) combined with an Integral Theory approach (AQAL) to illustrate how women’s well-being, thriving and impact can be systematically analyzed. She further illustrates how this framework can be applied through her study of various women’s organizations in different country settings.