It is generally accepted that preservice teachers need to learn and apply skills in practical authentic settings, and that ‘teaching to learn’ is the most valid method of acquiring skills, especially behaviour management. The development of those skills is assumed to occur through academic coursework and placement feedback (Zeichner, 1992). Yet, reviews of teacher programs suggest that classroom or behaviour management skills are not adequately taught (Darling-Hammond, Hammerness, Grossman, Rust, & Shulman, 2005; O'Neill & Stephenson, 2014) or assessed. Teachers need to learn how to: identify steps, know content, sequence tasks, connect chunks of learning, reward approximations, identify achievable goals, set contingent outcomes, adapt teaching for learners, adjust timing, be cognisant of body-language, consider limitations of learners’ intake of new information, use shaping and repetition, self-regulation, adapt content, review take-up of components, provide consistent accurate cues, vary reinforcers and give formative feedback. These present a formidable range of skills for a preservice teacher, with little experience teaching students, to attain through observation and learning whilst on placement. There will be a review of computer based learning/teaching models for preservice teachers feedback development and research into methods of training teachers to improve these areas.