A positive psychological approach to work and organizations has gained tremendous popularity over the last decade. The research and scholarship has grown via three main schools of thought –positive organizational psychology (POP), positive organizational behavior (POB), and positive organizational scholarship (POS). This conversation hour brings together leaders from each perspective to share scientific advances and promising new directions in their areas.
The conversation hour will be opened by the moderator, Dr. Meg Warren, the first President of the Work and Organizations Division of IPPA. She will facilitate a panel discussion between Dr. Stewart Donaldson who will discuss advances in POP, Dr. Sarah Dawkins who will share about POB, and Dr. Kim Cameron who will share about POS. The session will be guided by the following questions: What are some of the strongest scientific findings illustrating the value of POP, POB, and POS? Which interventions are best supported by rigorous scientific findings? What are some advances that can enrich research and practice on a global scale? What are some challenges facing researchers and practitioners? What are some future directions for POP, POB, POS? Finally, the moderator will open discussion with and facilitate questions from the audience.