Qing Yan 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology 2019

Qing Yan

Qing (Helen) Yan is a doctoral student in the Positive Organizational Behavior (POB) program at Claremont Graduate University (CGU). She is also a research assistant of the Positive Organizational Development Lab and a certified coach of the LeAD Labs at CGU. She holds an MA degree in Psychology from CGU, and another MA degree in Intercultural Communication from Shanghai International Studies University in China. Her interested topics include flowability (i.e., one’s ability to enter flow experience), coaching, positive leadership, and positive intervention. As an applied researcher and consultant in positive organizational psychology, and a certified master coach in leadership development, Helen is dedicated to empowering organizational leaders, white-collars, and gig workers to achieve their best in both work and life. With great passion for flow and coaching, Helen is seeking for mutual enrichment between her applied research and coaching practice. In her spare time, Helen enjoys hiking, writing songs, and practicing yoga.

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