Workshop 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology 2019

Purpose and Profit: How to Start, Grow, and Scale Your Dual Bottom Line Business (#443)

Sherri Fisher 1 , Carlton Galbreath 2
  1. Learn & Flourish, Westwood, MA, USA
  2. Carlton Galbreath & Associates, Missoula, MT, USA

In this workshop, you will learn how to intentionally design a social impact business. We define social impact business as a venture that makes a healthy profit and provides a sustainable living, while also doing good in the world. Within the span of 3 hours, you will (a) explore multiple business models and choose one, (b) integrate positive psychology within your organization, (c) learn the path from business model to revenue stream, (d) create a plan to scale, and (e) walk away with an initial prototype. We recommend that you bring a positive-psychology-based business idea, a computer, and an open mind to get the most out of this time.