Symposium 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology 2019

Leadership and human flourishing (#375)

Santiago Vázquez 1
  1. Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, NUEVO LEóN, Mexico

Leadership is a multidimensional and complex concept with different approaches to study it. In the latest editions of the World Economic Forum, discussions have centered on leadership and other critical aspects for the future of society and the planet. In 2016, the WEF declared the need to form leadership systems to identify interactions and interdependencies, and to help address complex global challenges. On the other hand, it is important to consider that, despite the levels of economic development achieved in recent decades, society as a whole, experiences the highest levels of the history of anxiety and depression. This presentation has two objectives: 1) to critically review past research on leadership from last 10 years and notes that only 1.62% of articles are focused on positive leadership, human flourishing, happiness and well-being. (2) to present practical experience from the Leadership Institute at Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) on the reinvention of the “leadership” concept and its development from Positive Psychology, as well as the effectiveness of training programs on positive leadership through different projects and practical initiatives. Altogether, I will introduce a new perspective where the leader is that which flourishes by contributing to the flourishing of others.